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Personal Funding

/Personal Funding

What are the requirements to qualify for personal funding?

By | 2018-01-29T04:52:21+00:00 January 29th, 2018|

3+ Years of Clean Credit History (Ideally 5+ Years): No Derogatory Items or at least none in the recent past. Note: If your Credit History is not at least 3 Years Old, we can add Seasoned Tradelines to your Credit Report so you meet this Requirement, and if you have Recent and/or Unresolved Derogatory Items, we [...]

How does the personal funding program work?

By | 2018-01-29T04:49:51+00:00 January 29th, 2018|

It’s simple, our software provides us access to thousands of lenders that lend to business that require a personal guarantor. These same lenders that lend with a personal guarantor based on your personal credit will in almost all cases, lend to an individual based on the exact same criteria.

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