If you have great credit, you can secure money through the funding platform suite even if you are looking for funds to start a business. And you won’t need to show financials to qualify. Even if you have a co-signer, or a personal guarantor with good credit, you can quickly secure money with this program. If your business has some type of legitimate business collateral, it will help with qualifying for funding, even if your personal credit have challenges right now.
Acceptable collateral includes purchase orders, account receivables, inventory, equipment, credit card sales, commercial real estate, 401k’s and IRA’s, securities such as stocks, and most other forms of legitimate business collateral. You can even qualify for funding if your business simply has consistent cash flow each month. You can also qualify for funding if you have built good business credit. If you don’t have this, our system will help you build your business credit so you can secure funding based on your business credit profile.
If you don’t have good personal or business credit, do not yet have cash flow for your business, have no acceptable collateral, and no co-signer, you will not secure money quickly through the finance suite. Therefore, if you have an immediate need for money/funding and don’t have any of these essentials, it will take you at least a year of business credit building to truly secure cash money and/or credit lines. If this is your situation, and you don’t have the essentials, we may not be the best solution for you. However, if you have at least one of the essentials – not all of them, like what a bank would require – you stand a good chance of benefiting from the CFP Business Credit/Funding Platform.
Being a Partner of LYFE, you have the flexibility of running your own business, how you want to, and on your own time, giving you the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. Or open up your own store front location giving everyone in your community the knowledge and insight you have obtained, while helping them to achieve financial freedom, just as you have. In addition Our Partner Program allows for each business partner who chooses to join us to first become a product of the product and receive access to all of the products and services that we offer.
Most importantly each Partner will receive a minimum of 50 Thousand Dollars in business credit and funding to build their LYFE business as well as access to all the products and services that we make available. These products and services include:
- 50k In Business Credit and Funding
- Have their Personal credit restored
- Receive 1 Million dollar Identity Theft Plan
- Access to The LYFE Wheel Products & Services
In addition our partners can refer people and earn:
- Referral fees and commissions
- Free Services
Your initial investment to become a Partner ranges from Free as a referring partner to the starting position of Marketing Partner to owning a Franchise of the LYFE Business. Other than the normal operational costs associated with running an Internet or retail oriented business, our start cost!
The possibilities are endless for the amount of money you can make, because as a Partner with LYFE you have the flexibility to set your own goals, hours, and develop your own business practices with the support of the Lyfe corporate team. You can work as hard as you want or as little as you want. You literally write your own paycheck.
A Partner is someone running their own small business by acting as an independent retailer selling products and services to help others achieve their financial goals.
There is no shortage of people who want money for their business. Because so many people want money you will find that business credit and funding is extremely easy to advertise and get massive response. Many clients find they can easily advertise for business credit, then also sell their other services to the customers who call. Due to how easy it is to advertise, business credit has proven to be successful in most media advertisings. Our Partners have had success selling business credit through seminars, webinars, pay-per-click advertising, social media advertising, network marketing events, cold-calling leads, radio, and more. Business credit and funding is very easy to advertise, even helping you promote your other services.
Our Partners have found great success with many different forms of media. Some medias they have found successful including seminars, webinars, pay-per-click, radio, cold calling, network marketing, social media, TV, and more.
You do not need any licensing to sell the funding platform as you are truly selling software. There are no additional state, or Federal requirements or restrictions for selling business credit. This means you do not need any special licensing or bonding to sell business credit.
Building business credit correctly means there is rarely a credit check for business owners to qualify. This means all business owners, even those with bad credit, can benefit with the funding platform by building their business credit. If the business owner has credit challenges and also has some kind of collateral, they can also get funding along with business credit. Funding can be secured in as little as 30-60 days and most forms of acceptable collateral will qualify including credit card sales, inventory, equipment, receivables, even consistent revenue.
Ultimately you are selling software and coaching to a client which significantly helps them get money for their business and build business credit. As we often tell clients, someone is paying you $2,000 to get at least $50,000 guaranteed. And during the training we help you target business that can get that kind of many and much more quickly, easily with the first 30-60 days. The task of having clients want to pay you $3,000 to get $50,000 isn’t necessarily difficult IF the client feels you and the system is credible. This is why we provide you so much information and tools, that help insure you are credible making the funding platform even easier to sell.
This is the only system in the world which successfully combines both business credit building and funding. this means clients can build their business credit and get money right away, if they have good credit or collateral they can secure money in less than 30 days. The funding platform is the only system which has certified funding advisors and business credit coaches, the only system that gives out a free DUNS number to clients from D&B and free Experian Smart Business Data. The funding platform has more lending sources, revolving business credit accounts, and starter vendor accounts than any other system. And the funding platform is the only system with application auto-population, one-click access to business credibility sources, and underwriting guidelines provided for all business credit sources. And this is the only system which the business credit reporting agencies live data stream report information securely into, showing how credible the system truly is.
Your enrollment provides the ability to sell the platform. We also provide you with a marketing website, and the marketing and training materials you need to sell it.
Clients can be approved for millions-of-dollars in funding through the platform if they have equivalent collateral or financials. Even new startup businesses with no collateral can obtain up to $150,000. While businesses with collateral can secure hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to millions-of- dollars depending on the value of the collateral.
Yes, with business credit and funding you can charge upfront. There is no regulation that prohibits this. It is actually very common in the funding space for companies to charge upfront. This is one benefit our Partners love about business credit, you they can make thousands of dollars right away, legally, while providing great value to your clients.
To obtain business funding, lenders typically want to see that you have Collateral, Cash flow, or Credit – whether it’s personal or business credit. If you have collateral, cash flow, or good personal or business credit, then you can typically secure money within 30 days or less. If you have challenged personal credit, no collateral, no business cash flow, you can still secure money using a personal guarantor with good credit. With no guarantor, collateral or cash flow, you will need to build business credit in order to obtain funding which can take up to 12 months.
Our client can be approved for millions-of-dollars in funding if you have equivalent collateral or financials. Even new ‘startup’ businesses with no collateral can obtain up to $150,000. While businesses with collateral can secure hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to millions-of-dollars depending on the value of the collateral and/or cash-flow they have.
We offer both business credit and funding services for our clients. We first help our clients to obtain money for their business through over 30 financing products with over 2,000 lenders. We then help clients build their business credit so they can obtain even more money with no personal guarantee or credit check.
Yes, over 90% of our funding programs require no financials to qualify.
Yes, we have funding programs specifically designed for new ‘startup’ businesses and franchises. If you have good personal credit or a good personal guarantor you can secure up to $150,000 for your new business.
Yes we can help you get money for your business. Our business credit building system helps you build credit for your business even if you have a brand new business. You can then use your credit to obtain higher credit amounts, even funding. And your business credit can be built regardless of the quality of your personal credit. So even with challenged personal credit, you can still build credit and obtain funding for your business. If your business has collateral or cash flow, or if you have good personal credit, or have a personal guarantor with good credit, you can typically secure money quickly in addition to the business credit you acquire.
We offer both business credit and funding services for our clients. We first help our clients to obtain money for their business through over 30 financing products with over 2,000 lenders. We then help clients build their business credit so they can obtain even more money with no personal guarantee or credit check.
Building business credit correctly means there is rarely a need for a personal credit check in order for business owners to qualify. This means all business owners, even those with bad credit, can benefit from building their business credit. If the business owner has credit challenges yet has some kind of collateral, business cash-flow, or personal guarantor, they can also get funding along with business credit. Funding can be secured in as little as 30 days. Most forms of acceptable collateral will help the business owner to qualify – these include credit card sales, inventory, equipment, receivables, 401k and securities, even consistent revenue will help with qualifying.
A 620 credit score would be the minimum recommended credit score but 680+ Credit Scores is ideal for personal funding: Note: If your Scores are under 620 we can take a look at your credit report to see what can be done to increase your score above this minimum score.
Note: We can add Seasoned Tradelines to dramatically increase your Credit Scores and the overall Quality of your Personal Credit History in only 3 Weeks! It’s common to see Credit Scores jump up 50 to 150 Points in 3 Weeks.
- 3+ Years of Clean Credit History (Ideally 5+ Years): No Derogatory Items or at least none in the recent past. Note: If your Credit History is not at least 3 Years Old, we can add Seasoned Tradelines to your Credit Report so you meet this Requirement, and if you have Recent and/or Unresolved Derogatory Items, we can show you how to remove them.
- 3+ Open Revolving Credit Accounts: Note: If you don’t have at least 3 Open Revolving Accounts, then we can add Seasoned Tradelines to your Credit Report so you meet this Requirement.
- 30% or Lower Revolving Debt Ratio: If your Combined Unsecured Revolving Debt is more than 30% of your Combined Unsecured Revolving Credit Limit, then you will need to pay down the Unsecured Debt to under 30%. Note: We can add Seasoned Tradelines to your Credit Report to dilute the Revolving Debt Ratio down to under 30%.
- 680+ Credit Scores: If your Scores are under 680 we can take a look at your credit report to see what can be done to increase your score above this minimum score. Note: We can add Seasoned Tradelines to dramatically increase your Credit Scores and the overall Quality of your Personal Credit History in only 3 Weeks! It’s common to see Credit Scores jump up 50 to 150 Points in 3 Weeks – This is the Real Deal.
Don’t meet the IDEAL Credit Requirements? Don’t worry – We can solve all of your Credit Problems FAST! Contact Me Today to have our credit specialist review your report and give you a plan for immediate success!
It’s simple, our software provides us access to thousands of lenders that lend to business that require a personal guarantor. These same lenders that lend with a personal guarantor based on your personal credit will in almost all cases, lend to an individual based on the exact same criteria.
12.1% Average APR – Many cards offer 0% APR for the first 2 years
There are NO Upfront Fees but the average client pays a success fee after funding has been secured ranging from 5 to 10% of the total amount of funding raised.
$25K to $250K in Total Personal Unsecured Credit Card and lines of credit can be easy obtained based on your personal credit.
Approvals in 2 Days – Funding in 7 Days