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Credit Enhancement Page

/Credit Enhancement Page

What guarantees do you offer?

By | 2018-01-17T09:18:54+00:00 January 17th, 2018|

Because of the many factors that go into determining your full credit score, it is impossible to guarantee a specific credit score increase. Our guarantee promises that our credit lines have perfect payment history, and less than 30% of the available credit being utilized. We also guarantee that our lines will report to a minimum of [...]

How long will the line stay on my report?

By | 2018-01-17T09:17:36+00:00 January 17th, 2018|

It is important to note that authorized user trade lines are a temporary solution. While the average time a trade line will stay on your credit report is between 3 and 6 months, we recommend that you be ready to apply for your immediate credit goals right away. In the very unlikely case that the line [...]

How does it boost my score?

By | 2018-01-17T09:16:58+00:00 January 17th, 2018|

When you add an authorized user trade line to your credit report, you are adding positive payment history, length of time you have established credit, and showing responsible use of credit by having an account with a low debt ratio. These are the factors that contribute to the 30 to 60 points average increase that we [...]

How far in advance should I order my trade lines?

By | 2018-01-17T09:16:30+00:00 January 17th, 2018|

In order to have the trade line added to your credit report, you must have been added to the trade line prior to the bank collecting all of the information they will eventually send to the credit bureaus. It's recommended to order your trade lines a couple weeks in advance (minimum) to insure your trade line [...]

How long does it take for trade lines to post on the credit report?

By | 2018-01-17T09:15:45+00:00 January 17th, 2018|

Each trade line is an account that reports monthly. This means, the bank collects all the information associated with that trade line (the age, limit, balance, payment history, authorized users, etc.) and sends it to the credit bureaus. This, usually, happens every month. However, some banks report weekly (especially store cards).

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